This Caterpillar is brown or grey, and very hairy. It has two black hair pencils each side of the head, which it can erect or lay down. The caterpillars have pairs of pointed black knobs on the back of each segment, which sometimes have adjacent reddish markings. The backs of abdominal segments one, five and seven are pale. There is a thin red band across the thorax. The caterpillar has been found feeding on the leaves of Mistletoes and Exocarpos cupressiformis.
The adult butterflies are grey with patterns of light and dark lines and spots. The abdomen is covered in alternate bands of brown or black and white hairs, but sometimes the white hairs are shorter and are obscured. The female has a tuft of white hairs tipped with black on the last segment. Both sexes have bipectinate antennae. The females have a wingspan of about 3 cms. The males are smaller, having a wingspan of about 2.5 cms.
The species occurs over much of Australia, including: Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia.
Genduara subnotata is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast | Loddon Mallee
Ouyen, VIC